Personalizing Your Kiosk and Visitor Management Features

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Visitor Management System

The 'Settings' section of our online portal empowers you to adapt various components of both the kiosk interface and the overall visitor management experience. Below is a concise guide outlining some essential settings you can modify:

Visitor Configuration Options

  • Specify required fields for visitor information, such as email, phone number, and address.
  • Toggle the option to enable or disable sign-out functionality.
  • Set specific time limits for when visitors can check-in.
  • Define specific time slots for visitor entries based on the day of the week.
  • Mandate the submission of vaccination details and/or consent forms.
  • Customize welcome and departure text messages via SMS.
  • Enable options for collecting visitor feedback.
  • Choose settings for the removal of inactive facial data.

You have the flexibility to customize settings for vendors, agency personnel, and staff members as well. This includes adjusting information requirements, time constraints, and consent forms. You can easily tailor settings for up to four different visitor categories to meet your specific needs.

Kiosk User Interface Settings

  • Personalize text messages and prompts displayed on the kiosk.
  • Outline criteria for license scanning.
  • Set the duration for automatic sign-outs.
  • Enable a pre-registration feature.
  • Enable to complete registration on the phone.
  • Adapt the settings for custom questionnaires.

Alert and Notification Preferences

  • Receive warnings for issues such as elevated temperatures and overdue departures.
  • Opt for email or SMS updates concerning new sign-ups, daily activity logs, and more.
  • Tailor data points for reporting, such as temperature checks and completed questionnaires.

And much more...

The 'Settings' section offers a broad range of customization to align the visitor management experience closely with the unique operational requirements of your facility. Should you encounter any challenges in setting up particular configurations, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.