Set Up Label Stock Notifications

Stay Ahead of Label Shortages with Real-Time Email Alerts

You can configure the system to notify you when your stock of labels for a facility reaches a specified threshold so you know when it's time to order more. Follow these steps:

Configure Notification Settings

  1. Navigate to Settings and then select Label Notifications.
  2. Enter the number of labels currently available for the facility. 
  3. Enter the threshold number of labels remaining that should trigger a notification. For example, enter 50 if you want to be notified when only 50 labels remain.
  4. Enter the email address to receive the notification. Only one email address can be configured.

How Notifications Work

  • Each time a print occurs from the configured facility, the label count will decrement by 1.
  • When the remaining label count reaches the threshold you specified, an email notification will be sent to the configured email address.
  • If you decide that you no longer want to receive notifications, you can easily remove the email address from the notification settings.

Notifications provide an easy way to monitor your label stock and ensure you order more before running out. Adjust the threshold to suit your workflow.

Please contact us if you have any questions!