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  2. Visitor Tracing

Auto Check-Out

Set automatic check-out after a specified time period

This setting helps facilities manage visitors who forget to check out. You can configure a time period after which visitors will be automatically checked out. For example, if a visitor forgets to check out, the next time they arrive and scan at the kiosk, they will be automatically checked in instead of out. This ensures the system is always up to date without requiring manual intervention.

This setting can be configured in the portal, but we recommend reaching out to Customer Support for assistance to ensure the best configuration for your needs.


  1. How do I set up auto check-out?
    The auto check-out setting can be configured in the portal, but for assistance with setup, we recommend reaching out to Customer Support.

  2. What happens if a visitor is automatically checked out and returns the next day?
    If a visitor forgets to check out, the next time they scan at the kiosk, they will be automatically checked in, keeping your system accurate without the need for manual intervention.

  3. Can I disable auto check-out for certain visitors?
    Yes, you can customize this feature for specific visitor types. For help with the configuration, Customer Support can assist you in setting it up based on your needs.